WATERFLY Product Show 1: ONJ08, A Portable Fanny Pack for Outdoor Sports
, by Sophia Chen, 1 min reading time
, by Sophia Chen, 1 min reading time
In our product shows, we will offer detailed product photos and videos to our customer and visitors. And those photos and videos are shared from our fans and previous customers, including sling bags, fanny packs, waist bags and waterproof backpacks, waterproof socks and other outdoor gear. It will be updated weekly. Now here we go!
Today, we will show the photos and video about our fanny pack ONJ08. This fanny pack has been our hot product. It is slim and lightweight with high quality materials. As a waist bag, it is also super comfortable for it has flexible adjustable waist belt, multi separate compartment and hidden zipper pockets. And there are 8 colors for your choice.
Waterfly Sports Fanny Pack ONJ08
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